by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Dice (one per student or pair) Number sorting mats or paper.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain how rolling dice can be used to generate numbers for sorting and comparing. Rolling and Sorting (10 minutes): Students roll dice to generate numbers, then place these numbers...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
A variety of small objects (e.g., buttons, beads, blocks, crayons) Sorting trays or small containers Paper and crayons.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain the activity and how students will sort and count objects. Sorting (10 minutes): Students sort objects into...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Samples of various surfaces (e.g., paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic, foam). Sorting trays or containers..Provide each student with samples of various surfaces. Instruct students to sort the samples into two categories: flat and non-flat surfaces. Ask students to...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Time-of-day cards (morning, afternoon, evening, night). Activity cards or pictures (e.g., eating lunch, going to bed)..Provide each student with time-of-day cards and activity cards or pictures. Instruct students to sort the activity cards into the correct time-of-day...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Various shape cutouts (circles, squares, triangles, rectangles). Sorting trays or containers..Provide each student with a set of shape cutouts. Instruct students to sort the shapes into different trays or containers based on their properties (e.g., shape, size,...