Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Pathfinding Relay Race

Cones or markers to create a course Map or path directions.Set up a relay race course with cones or markers to define the path. Provide students with a simple map or path directions to follow. Split students into teams and have them race to follow the path on the map....

Maze Adventure

Large printed mazes or maze mats Markers or stickers.Introduce the concept of mazes and routes. Provide each student with a large maze on paper or a maze mat. Ask students to use markers or stickers to find their way through the maze. Discuss different strategies for...

Pattern Art

Construction paper Scissors Glue Markers.Explain the concept of creating patterns in art. Provide students with construction paper, scissors, glue, and markers. Ask students to create a piece of art using repeating patterns (e.g., stripes, polka dots). Encourage...

Music and Movement Patterns

Musical instruments (e.g., drums, tambourines) Music player.Introduce the concept of patterns in music and movement. Play a simple rhythm pattern and ask students to repeat it using instruments. Create movement patterns (e.g., clap, stomp, clap, stomp) and have...

Nature Pattern Walk

Clipboards Paper Pencils.Take students on a nature walk around the school grounds. Ask students to observe and record patterns they see in nature (e.g., leaf shapes, flower petals). Have students sketch the patterns they observe on their clipboards. Discuss the...