Bridge Academy
Qual o custo da matrícula?
Como obtenho um comprovativo/diploma?
A Bridge Academy é certificada e reconhecida?
Não há órgão federal de credenciamento nos Estados Unidos para escolas K-12. Qualquer escola particular que tenha credenciamento pode obtê-lo através de órgãos locais ou regionais como forma de elevar os seus padrões. A Bridge Academy oferece aos pais matrícula numa escola particular, currículo que atende a todos os padrões estaduais nos EUA e na maioria dos países estrangeiros e transcrições no final de cada ano para documentar o aprendizado da criança.
Como é feita a comprovação de aprendizagens?
Tudo o que é documentado fica registado no Portal dos Pais, onde pode aceder sempre que precisar, inclusive a impressão para os seus registos ou solicitando cópias oficiais para inscrições na universidade. Além disso, todos os alunos recebem um currículo gratuito que podem ou não utilizar, sendo apenas uma oferta complementar da matrícula.
Receba todo o apoio que necessita na Own Your Education e dê os primeiros passos no ensino doméstico com uma Umbrella School. Não hesite em contactar-nos para quaisquer questões ou dúvidas através do nosso contato ou
Bridge Academy
Bridge Academy for Homeschooling Freedom is an educational institution that empowers homeschooling families by offering a range of services and resources to facilitate a flexible and individualised learning experience for their children. Bridge Academy focuses on providing families with the tools they need to achieve homeschooling freedom.
Common questions about Bridge Academy
What is the enrollment price?
When does the school year start? Can I enrol in the middle of the year?
The school year starts on August 1st and ends July 31st. You can enrol at any time but prices as sometimes they have offers for early enrollment.
Are there any payment plans available?
Yes! Bridge Academy is one of the only Umbrella schools to over payment plans. You can choose 3 payments of $133 or 12 payments of $33. Plus, with Klarna or Scalapay you can also pay in 3 times and extend for 1 month, for free!
Do they offer refund if my enrollment is not accepted in Portugal or they're not a good fit for my family?
Due to the non-returnable nature of digital products and the low cost of their services, Bridge Academy does not offer refunds for enrollment unless a prior arrangement has been discussed with a team member. Make sure Bridge Academy is a good fit for your family before enrolling!
Como obtenho um comprovativo/diploma?
This information will become available shortly.
Is Bridge Academy recognised by any organization?
This information will become available shortly.
Does it offer retroactive enrollment?
This information will become available shortly.
How are learnings assessed?
This information will become available shortly.
Homeschool Support with Own Your Education
Families who enrol with Bridge Academy can get guidance and support throughout their homeschooling journey by emailing
Get all the support you need at Own Your Education and take your first steps in homeschooling with an Umbrella School. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or queries via our contact