Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Weathering Experiment

Small rocks. Vinegar (for chemical weathering). Freezer (for physical weathering). Soil or moss (for biological weathering). Notebooks and pencils..Introduction to Weathering: Explain the different types of weathering and their effects on rocks. Conduct Experiments:...
Physical Weathering Gravel & Sugar Cubes

Physical Weathering Gravel & Sugar Cubes

Clear cups (one for each experiment) Small handful of gravel (e.g., from a fish/shark tank) 5 Sugar cubes Recording Sheets (for noting observations) Prepare the Experiment: Fill each clear cup with a small handful of gravel and 5 sugar cubes. Shake the Cup: Cover the...
Chemical Weathering Chalk

Chemical Weathering Chalk

Chalk (broken into small pieces, about an inch long) Cups (one for water, one for vinegar) Water Vinegar Recording Sheets (for noting observations) Prepare the Experiment: Break the chalk into small pieces, approximately one inch in length. Set Up the Cups: Fill one...
Physical Weathering Sandpaper

Physical Weathering Sandpaper

Shiny rocks (or cheap decorative rocks from Walmart) Sandpaper (one piece for each group or rotation) Recording Sheets (for noting observations) Bags (for putting away used rocks) Prepare the Experiment: Provide each group with a shiny rock (or decorative rock) and a...
Chemical Weathering Alka Seltzer

Chemical Weathering Alka Seltzer

Clear cups (one for each experiment) Water Alka-Seltzer tablets (one per cup) Recording Sheets (for noting observations) Prepare the Experiment: Fill each clear cup with water, ensuring there is enough to submerge the Alka-Seltzer tablet. Add Alka-Seltzer: Drop one...