Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Using Base Ten Blocks to Represent Decimals

Using Base Ten Blocks to Represent Decimals

Base ten blocks (hundreds, tens, and ones) Decimal place value chart (optional) Markers or colored pencils Worksheet for practice (optional) Introduction (10 minutes): Explain the traditional use of base ten blocks (ones, tens, hundreds). Introduce the new concept of...
Decimal Place Value One Tenth Smaller

Decimal Place Value One Tenth Smaller

Whole pieces of paper (one per student) Scissors Ruler Markers or colored pencils Chart paper for visual aids (optional) Introduction (10 minutes): Explain the concept of decimal place value. Discuss how each place to the right of the decimal point is ten times...
Fractions and Decimals Craft with Graph Paper

Fractions and Decimals Craft with Graph Paper

Graph paper Colorful construction paper Scissors Glue or tape Ruler Markers or colored pencils Fraction and decimal conversion chart (optional) Introduction (10 minutes): Explain the connection between fractions and decimals. Demonstrate how a fraction like 34/100 can...