Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

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Coin Addition and Subtraction

Real or play coins Addition and subtraction mats Markers.Provide each student with a set of coins and an addition/subtraction mat. Explain how to use the mat to perform addition and subtraction with the coins. Ask students to place coins on the mat and add or subtract...

Addition and Subtraction with Dice and Spinners

Dice (one or two per student or pair) Spinners with addition and subtraction options Paper and pencils.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain how dice and spinners will be used to generate numbers for addition and subtraction problems. Playing the Game (15 minutes):...

Addition and Subtraction Hopscotch

Chalk (for outdoor play) or tape (for indoor play). Hopscotch grid with numbers and equations..Draw or tape a hopscotch grid with numbers and simple addition or subtraction equations. Instruct students to hop through the grid, solving the equations as they land on...

Addition with Counters

Counters (buttons, blocks, or other small objects). Addition mats or paper..Provide each student with a set of counters and an addition mat. Instruct students to place a specific number of counters in the first box on the mat (e.g., 3 counters). Ask students to place...