Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Body Mapping

Large sheets of paper or butcher paper. Markers or crayons. Tape..Tape a large sheet of paper to the floor. Have a student lie down on the paper, and trace the outline of their body. Label the traced outline with “Anterior” for the front and...

First Aid Relay Race

Cones or markers to set up a relay course. First aid supplies (bandages, gauze, ice packs). Stopwatch or timer. .Introduction (5 minutes): Discuss the importance of acting quickly in first aid situations. Explain that they will be participating in a relay race to...

Bandage Practice

Various types of bandages (adhesive bandages, gauze rolls, etc.). Stuffed animals or dolls to practice on. Visual aids or posters showing proper bandaging techniques. .Introduction (5 minutes): Discuss the importance of bandaging wounds to protect them and promote...

First Aid Kit Exploration

A basic first aid kit (band-aids, gauze, antiseptic wipes, tweezers, etc.). Pictures or flashcards of each item. Labels or name tags. A large piece of paper or poster board..Introduction (5 minutes): Discuss the importance of first aid and how it helps in emergencies....

Handwashing Relay Race

Soap, water, and towels or hand sanitizer. Visual aids or posters showing the steps of proper handwashing. Timer or stopwatch..Introduction (5 minutes): Discuss why handwashing is important for staying healthy. Demonstrate the proper steps of handwashing. Relay Race...