Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Boat and Sun Transformations

Boat and Sun Transformations

Small colored square tiles (e.g., plastic or cardboard) Worksheet for recording the number of tiles, shapes, and perimeter (optional) Pencils Preparation: Provide each student with a set of small colored square tiles. Prepare a worksheet for students to record the...
Handprint Rotations

Handprint Rotations

Construction paper (various colors) Scissors (child-safe) Glue sticks Large sheets of paper for the background (blue for the sea and sky) Preparation: Cover the working area with newspaper or plastic sheets to manage any mess. Place all materials within easy reach of...
Using Loose Parts Next to a Stick

Using Loose Parts Next to a Stick

Long, straight stick (or a piece of string or tape to mark a central line) Assorted loose parts (e.g., corks, bottle tops, feathers, pompoms, wood slices, leaves, bolts, pebbles) Tinker trays or containers to organize loose parts Large surface area for children to...