by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Real or play coins and banknotes of various denominations Pictures of coins and banknotes Sorting trays or containers.Introduction: Explain the importance of money and its different forms. Show examples of various coins and banknotes. Demonstration: Demonstrate how to...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Building blocks (e.g., LEGO, wooden blocks) Measuring containers (e.g., cups, small boxes) Worksheets to record measurements.Introduction: Explain the concept of volume and its importance in building and construction. Show examples of structures built with blocks and...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Balance scales Various household items (e.g., fruits, books, toys) Weights or standard units (e.g., small weights, beans) Worksheets to record measurements.Introduction: Explain the importance of understanding mass in everyday life. Show examples of household items...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Various containers (cups, bowls, jars) Water Measuring cups Large tray to contain spills.Introduction: Explain the concept of volume and its importance. Show different containers and discuss their possible volumes. Estimation: Ask students to estimate how many cups of...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Various containers (cups, bowls, jars) Sand or rice Measuring cups Large tray to contain spills.Introduction: Explain that capacity is the amount a container can hold. Show different containers and discuss their possible capacities. Estimation: Ask students to predict...