by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Shape cutouts or small objects (e.g., circles, squares, triangles) Graph paper or large chart paper Markers or crayons.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain that students will sort shapes and create a graph to show how many of each shape they have. Sorting (10 minutes):...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Counters or small objects (e.g., buttons, blocks) Paper and pencils A whiteboard or large sheet of paper for demonstration.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain tally marks and their use. Counting (10 minutes): Collect and sort objects into categories. Recording Data (10...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
A variety of small objects (e.g., buttons, beads, blocks, crayons) Sorting trays or small containers Paper and crayons.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain the activity and how students will sort and count objects. Sorting (10 minutes): Students sort objects into...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Pictures of coins and banknotes cut into puzzle pieces Real or play coins and banknotes for reference Laminated sheets (optional).Introduction: Explain that coins and banknotes can be used in puzzles to help understand their features and value. Show examples of coin...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Coins and banknotes (real or play) White paper Crayons or pencils Coloured markers or pencils.Introduction: Explain that coins and banknotes have unique designs and features. Show examples of rubbings and drawings. Demonstration: Demonstrate how to make coin rubbings...