Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Make a Miniature Habitat

Make a Miniature Habitat

Materials Required: Shoe boxes or plastic containers (1 per group) Access to outdoors, or alternatively, natural materials (rocks, grass, leaves, twigs, etc.) Other craft materials (Styrofoam, colored paper, paint, clay, play dough, paper, coloring pens, etc.) Tape...
Crafting a Food Chain

Crafting a Food Chain

Materials Required: Paper plates Markers Stickers (grass, zebras, lions, bees, wolves) Glue or paste Steps Involved: Prepare the Plate: Give each student a paper plate to serve as the base for their food chain diagram. Decorate the Plate: Instruct students to use...
Lego Cell Model

Lego Cell Model

Materials Required: Assorted Lego bricks (various colors and shapes) Chart paper or index cards (for labels) Markers or pens (for writing labels) Reference diagrams of plant and animal cells (optional) Steps Involved: Prepare the Materials: Gather a variety of Lego...
Sandwich Cell Model

Sandwich Cell Model

Materials Required: Slices of bread (square for plant cells, round for animal cells) Large round biscuit or cookie cutter (optional for animal cells) Caramel candy (nucleus) Banana slice (nucleus alternative) Fruits like apples and raisins (various organelles)...
Slime Cell Models

Slime Cell Models

Materials Required: Green slime (for plant cell) Yellow slime (for animal cell) String (representing the endoplasmic reticulum) Beads (representing ribosomes) Buttons (representing vacuoles or nuclei) Cardboard tubes (representing the cell wall or mitochondria) Cut-up...