by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Paper plates (various colors or white plates with colored markers/crayons) Scissors Glue or tape Markers or crayons (for coloring and labeling) Ruler (optional, for more precise cutting).Preparation: Provide each student with several paper plates. If using white...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Sticky notes (in various colors and shapes, e.g., hearts, stars) Markers Anchor charts (large sheets of paper or poster boards) Rulers (optional, for dividing the charts into sections) Fraction labels (optional, for categorizing sections).Preparation: Prepare the...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Small objects (buttons, beads, or blocks) Fraction cards (e.g., 1/2, 1/3, 1/4) Sorting trays or bowls.Provide students with a set of objects and fraction cards. Ask students to sort the objects into groups that match the fractions on their cards (e.g., group of 4...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Bingo cards with division problems Bingo markers or chips Division problem call-out cards.Distribute bingo cards and markers to each student. Call out division problems from problem cards. Students solve the problems and place markers on their bingo cards if they have...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Counting cubes, beads, or small blocks Division problem cards.Give students a set of manipulatives and division problem cards. Students use the manipulatives to divide a total number into equal groups. Discuss how manipulatives help in visualizing division...