Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Demographic Survey

Survey forms (created by students or provided by the teacher). Clipboards. Markers and chart paper. Notebooks and pencils..Create Survey: Design a survey form to collect demographic data (e.g., age, gender, occupation) from family members or community members. Conduct...

Population Growth Graph

Population data for a chosen city or country (available online). Graph paper. Rulers. Markers or colored pencils. Notebooks and pencils..Collect Data: Gather population data for a chosen city or country over a period of time (e.g., last 50 years). Plot Data: Use graph...

City Planning Project

Cardboard, clay, or building blocks. Markers and paints. Large base (poster board or cardboard). Reference images of city layouts. Notebooks and pencils..Research City Planning: Study the key elements of city planning, such as residential areas, commercial zones,...

Urban vs. Rural Comparison

Large paper or poster board. Markers, crayons, or paints. Magazines or internet access for images. Notebooks and pencils..Research Characteristics: Study the characteristics of urban and rural areas (e.g., population density, types of buildings, services available)....

Watershed Model

Large shallow tray. Sand, soil, and small rocks. Water. Food coloring (optional). Notebooks and pencils..Create Model: Build a model of a watershed in a shallow tray using sand, soil, and rocks. Simulate Rain: Pour water over the model to simulate rain and observe how...