Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Learning Fractions with Paper Pizza

Learning Fractions with Paper Pizza

Poster paints (various colors) Large black paper sheets Paint brushes or sponges Wet wipes or a water source for cleaning hands Thumbtacks or pins for display Soft board for displaying the work Preparation: Cover the working area with newspaper or plastic sheets to...
Cutting Paper Plates into Fractions

Cutting Paper Plates into Fractions

Paper plates (one per student) Markers, crayons, or colored pencils (for decorating) Scissors (for cutting) Fraction labels (optional, for labeling parts) Introduction: Explain to students that they will be using paper plates to learn about fractions. Discuss what...
Pipe Cleaner Number Lines

Pipe Cleaner Number Lines

Pipe cleaners (multiple colors) Duct tape Scissors Ruler (optional, for measuring) Preparation: Cut pipe cleaners into appropriate lengths to represent different fractions. Use duct tape to secure the pipe cleaners on a flat surface, such as a piece of cardboard or a...
Fractions Strips

Fractions Strips

Construction paper (7 colors for fractions: Whole, halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, eights, twelfths) Scissors Rulers (optional) Markers or crayons for labeling Baggies for storing completed fraction strips Preparation: Cut construction paper into 1-inch wide strips....
Define Estimation with an Anchor Chart

Define Estimation with an Anchor Chart

Large poster board or chart paper Markers or colored pens Stickers or small illustrations (optional) Tape or adhesive for displaying the chart Introduction: Explain to the students that you will be creating an anchor chart to help them understand what estimation is...