Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Night Sky Observation

Star charts or astronomy apps. Telescopes or binoculars. Notebooks and pencils. Red flashlights (to preserve night vision)..Preparation: Study star charts or use an astronomy app to plan the observation session. Set Up: Find a location with minimal light pollution,...

Local Ecosystem Mapping

Maps of the local area. Notebooks and pencils. Colored pencils or markers. Measuring tapes. Cameras or smartphones..Choose an Ecosystem: Select a local ecosystem to study (e.g., forest, pond, meadow). Explore the Area: Visit the chosen ecosystem to observe and...

Local Environmental Impact Study

Notebooks and pencils. Cameras or smartphones. Trash bags and gloves. Measuring tapes and scales. Graph paper..Identify Areas of Impact: Choose areas to study, such as a local park, street, or school grounds. Collect Data: Observe and record evidence of human impact...

Local Flora and Fauna Survey

Field guides or plant and animal identification apps. Notebooks and pencils. Cameras or smartphones..Explore: Go on a nature walk around the school or nearby park to observe local plants and animals. Document Findings: Use field guides or apps to identify and document...

Local Air Quality Monitoring

Air quality monitoring devices (simple air pollution sensors). Notebooks and pencils. Graph paper..Set Up Monitors: Place air quality monitors in various locations around the school. Collect Data: Leave the monitors for a few days to collect data. Record Findings:...