by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Solar panel kits or simple wind turbine models. Light bulbs. Battery-operated devices..Build Model: Assemble a simple solar panel or wind turbine model. Test Energy: Use the model to power a small light bulb or device. Observe: Observe how the energy is generated and...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Wooden or plastic levers (e.g., rulers or sticks). Fulcrum supports (e.g., small blocks). Weights or small objects..Set Up Lever: Place the fulcrum under the lever and position the weights. Test Lever: Apply effort to lift the weights and observe the movement. Record...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Containers with hot water. Insulation materials (e.g., foam, fabric, cotton). Thermometers..Prepare Containers: Fill containers with hot water and measure the initial temperature. Add Insulation: Wrap the containers with different insulation materials. Measure...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
Small toy cars or blocks. Different surfaces (e.g., sandpaper, carpet, smooth table). Ruler or measuring tape..Set Up Experiment: Place the different surfaces on a flat surface. Slide Objects: Slide the toy cars or blocks across each surface. Measure Distance: Measure...
by Own Your Education | Set 26, 2024
A variety of objects (e.g., buttons, blocks, rocks). Containers or trays for sorting. Labels for categories..Choose Criteria: Decide on the criteria for sorting (e.g., color, shape). Sort Objects: Sort the objects into different containers based on the chosen...