Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Investigating Energy Production

Solar panel kits or simple wind turbine models. Light bulbs. Battery-operated devices..Build Model: Assemble a simple solar panel or wind turbine model. Test Energy: Use the model to power a small light bulb or device. Observe: Observe how the energy is generated and...

Creating Simple Machines with Levers

Wooden or plastic levers (e.g., rulers or sticks). Fulcrum supports (e.g., small blocks). Weights or small objects..Set Up Lever: Place the fulcrum under the lever and position the weights. Test Lever: Apply effort to lift the weights and observe the movement. Record...

Exploring Insulation with Different Materials

Containers with hot water. Insulation materials (e.g., foam, fabric, cotton). Thermometers..Prepare Containers: Fill containers with hot water and measure the initial temperature. Add Insulation: Wrap the containers with different insulation materials. Measure...

Investigating Friction with Different Surfaces

Small toy cars or blocks. Different surfaces (e.g., sandpaper, carpet, smooth table). Ruler or measuring tape..Set Up Experiment: Place the different surfaces on a flat surface. Slide Objects: Slide the toy cars or blocks across each surface. Measure Distance: Measure...

Sorting Objects by Properties

A variety of objects (e.g., buttons, blocks, rocks). Containers or trays for sorting. Labels for categories..Choose Criteria: Decide on the criteria for sorting (e.g., color, shape). Sort Objects: Sort the objects into different containers based on the chosen...