Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Using a Multiplication Chart for Equivalent Fractions

Tópico: Fractions
Ano escolar: 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Multiplication chart (e.g., free printable multiplication chart)
Colored transparency sheets (optional, for focusing on specific rows)
Introduction: Explain to students that they can use a multiplication chart to find equivalent fractions. Provide a brief overview of what equivalent fractions are.

Distribution: Give each student a multiplication chart. Optionally, provide colored transparency sheets the size of two rows on the chart to help them focus.

Demonstration: Show students how to find equivalent fractions using the chart. For example, start with the fraction 1/2. Locate 1/2 on the chart and follow the rows to find equivalent fractions like 2/4 and 3/6.

Practice: Have students practice finding equivalent fractions using different fractions and rows on their multiplication chart.

Self-Checking: Instruct students to use the multiplication chart to check their work for accuracy in finding equivalent fractions.

Discussion: Review the results with the class. Discuss any patterns or observations and address any questions.