Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Try Your Hand at Calligraphy

Disciplina: Art | Language
Ano escolar: 4th | 5th
Tipo de Recurso:

Magic markers or colored pens
Lined paper or calligraphy practice sheets
Calligraphy examples or templates (optional)

Explain the history of calligraphy and its importance in medieval manuscript production. Discuss how monks used calligraphy to create and copy texts before the invention of the printing press.
Prepare the Workspace:

Set up a clean and organized workspace with all necessary materials. Provide lined paper or practice sheets for students to use.
Learn Calligraphy Basics:

Demonstration: Show students examples of medieval calligraphy and explain the basic techniques. Focus on key aspects such as letter formation, spacing, and the use of different strokes.
Practice Letters: Introduce simple calligraphy styles, such as Gothic or Uncial, and guide students in practicing individual letters. Use rulers to help with straight lines and consistent letter sizing.
Create a Calligraphy Piece:

Choose a Text: Have students select a short quote or phrase to write in calligraphy. Provide examples or allow them to choose something related to their interests.
Draft and Write: Using a pencil, lightly sketch the text on lined paper. Once satisfied with the layout, use Magic markers or colored pens to carefully write over the pencil draft with calligraphy strokes.
Add Flourishes: Encourage students to add decorative elements or flourishes to their calligraphy piece, emulating the style of medieval manuscripts.
Review and Reflect:

Share Creations: Allow students to share their calligraphy work with the class. Discuss the techniques used and how they relate to historical calligraphy.
Reflection: Reflect on the process and discuss what students learned about medieval manuscript production and the skill of calligraphy.
Extension Activity (Optional):

Create a Mini Manuscript: For an extended project, have students create a mini manuscript by combining their calligraphy with illustrated borders or decorative elements on a larger piece of paper.