Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Sort Sticky Notes into Fraction Categories

Disciplina: Math
Tópico: Fractions | Sorting
Ano escolar: 1st | 2nd
Tipo de Recurso:

Sticky notes (in various colors and shapes, e.g., hearts, stars)
Anchor charts (large sheets of paper or poster boards)
Rulers (optional, for dividing the charts into sections)
Fraction labels (optional, for categorizing sections).Preparation:

Prepare the anchor charts by dividing each into sections representing different fraction categories (e.g., halves, quarters, thirds, etc.). Use a ruler if needed for neat divisions.
Label each section with the corresponding fraction category. You can write the fraction labels directly on the chart or use pre-made fraction labels.
Introduction to the Activity:

Explain to students that they will be sorting sticky notes into different fraction categories on the anchor charts.
Demonstrate how to write fractions on the sticky notes and how to sort them into the correct sections on the charts.
Creating Sticky Notes:

Give each student or group of students a stack of sticky notes in various colors and shapes.
Instruct students to write different fractions on the sticky notes. Encourage creativity by using fun shapes like hearts or stars.
Sorting Sticky Notes:

Have students take turns placing their sticky notes into the correct sections on the anchor charts based on the fractions they have written.
Encourage students to discuss and collaborate as they sort the sticky notes, ensuring everyone understands the fraction categories.
Reflection and Discussion:

After sorting the sticky notes, gather students to discuss their experiences.
Ask students how sorting sticky notes helped them understand fractions.
Discuss any patterns or observations they noticed while sorting the fractions.
Extension (Optional):

Introduce more complex fraction categories or mixed numbers for advanced practice.
Create a competition or timed challenge to see which group can correctly sort the most sticky notes in a given time frame.