Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Plant Seeds in Jars

Ano escolar: 1st
Tipo de Recurso:

Shallow clear jars or glass containers
Seeds (e.g., beans, flowers, herbs)
Paper towels
Small bowls
Soil (for transplanting)
Labels and markers
Optional: spray bottles for watering
Introduction (10 minutes):

Discuss the basics of plant life cycles, including seed germination, growth, and the importance of sunlight, water, and nutrients.
Explain the activity: students will plant seeds in jars and observe their growth over time before taking them home to transplant.
Preparing the Jars (5 minutes):

Give each student a shallow clear jar or glass container.
Have students label their jars with their names using markers or labels.
Setting Up the Seeds (10 minutes):

Dampen paper towels and fold them to fit inside the jars. The paper towels should be moist but not dripping wet.
Place a few seeds between the paper towel and the side of the jar so they are visible through the glass.
Discuss the importance of keeping the paper towel moist for seed germination.
Observation and Care (Ongoing):

Place the jars in a well-lit area but not in direct sunlight to prevent overheating.
Instruct students to observe their seeds daily, noting any changes or growth. Use spray bottles to keep the paper towels moist if they start to dry out.
Encourage students to record their observations in a plant journal, noting the date and any changes they see.
Transplanting the Seedlings (After 1-2 weeks):

Once the seeds have germinated and small seedlings have developed, it’s time to transplant them.
Provide small bowls with soil. Carefully remove the seedlings from the jars and plant them in the soil.
Show students how to care for their seedlings by watering them lightly and ensuring they have enough light.
Taking Plants Home (After Transplanting):

Allow students to take their planted seedlings home to continue caring for them.
Encourage them to plant the seedlings in their yards or larger pots at home.
Reflection and Discussion (10 minutes):

Reflect on the activity by discussing what students learned about plant growth and care.
Talk about the importance of plants in our environment and how taking care of plants can benefit our surroundings.

Emphasize the importance of responsibility in caring for living things.
Celebrate the students’ efforts and the growth of their plants, encouraging them to continue learning about and caring for plants at home.