Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Number Stories

Disciplina: Math
Ano escolar: 1st | K
Tipo de Recurso:

Story cards with simple number problems
Paper and pencils.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain how creating and solving number stories can help with understanding number composition and decomposition.
Story Creation (10 minutes): Provide students with story cards that include simple scenarios (e.g., “You have 6 apples and you give 2 away. How many apples do you have left?”).
Solving Problems (10 minutes): Students act out or draw their stories and write down the number decompositions used to solve the problems.
Discussion (5 minutes): Share and discuss the solutions and how the numbers were composed or decomposed in each story.
Extension (Optional): Have students create their own number stories and exchange them with classmates for solving.