Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Nature Color Walk

Disciplina: Science
Tópico: Nature | Observations
Ano escolar: K | Preschool
Tipo de Recurso:

Color swatches or paint sample cards.
Clipboards and paper.
Crayons or colored pencils..Introduction (5 minutes):

Discuss the different colors found in nature and their significance.
Explain that they will be going on a nature walk to find and identify different colors.
Preparation (5 minutes):

Provide each student with color swatches or paint sample cards, clipboard, and paper.
Review the colors they will be looking for.
Nature Walk (20 minutes):

Take the students outside to a designated area (e.g., schoolyard, park).
Allow them to explore and find natural objects that match the colors on their swatches.
Encourage them to draw or write about what they find.
Sharing and Discussion (15 minutes):

Return to the classroom and have students share what they found.
Discuss the different colors and their sources in nature (e.g., leaves, flowers, sky).
Reflection (5 minutes):

Ask students to identify their favorite color they found in nature.
Reinforce the importance of observing and appreciating the natural environment.