Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Name That Landform with Play Doh

Disciplina: Art | Geography
Ano escolar: 1st | K level
Tipo de Recurso:

Play Doh (various colors)
Recording pages (worksheet)
Pencils or markers
Paper for drawing diagrams

Provide each pair of students with Play Doh, recording pages, and drawing materials.
Prepare a worksheet for students to record the features of their landform models (optional).

Discuss different types of landforms (e.g., mountains, valleys, plateaus, hills, etc.) and their key features.
Explain the activity: students will create landforms using Play Doh, draw diagrams, and describe their landforms to their partner.

Creating Landforms:
Each student molds a landform using Play Doh, focusing on including distinctive features.
Recording Features:
Students use their recording pages to note the features of their landform model (e.g., height, shape, slopes).
Drawing Diagrams:
Students draw a diagram of their Play Doh landform model on paper, labeling key features.
Describing Landforms:
Each student takes turns describing the features of their landform model to their partner without showing it.
The partner guesses which landform it is based on the description.
Revealing Models:
After guesses are made, students reveal their Play Doh landform models and discuss the features.

Discuss the activity as a class, highlighting any interesting observations or challenges encountered.
Reinforce the importance of descriptive language and clear labeling in understanding and identifying landforms.

Have students compare and contrast their landform models with those of their peers, noting similarities and differences.
Introduce additional landforms or features for students to incorporate into future models.