Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

My Atmosphere Layer Balloon

Disciplina: Science
Ano escolar: 1st | K level
Tipo de Recurso:

Large balloons (one per student or group)
Dry erase markers
Permanent markers
Reference images for clouds, parachutes, ozone rays, comets, Aurora Borealis, and satellites
Air pump (optional, for inflating balloons)

Begin with a brief lesson on the Earth’s atmosphere and its layers (Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere).
Discuss the characteristics and phenomena associated with each layer.

Inflate the balloons. Use an air pump if necessary.
Drawing Layers:

Have students draw the Earth at the bottom of their balloons.
Guide them to divide the balloon into sections, representing the different layers of the atmosphere.
Using dry erase markers, students label each section with the appropriate layer name (Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere).
Adding Clues:

Students will draw or write clues and hints about each layer with permanent markers. For example:
Troposphere: Draw clouds and a parachute man.
Stratosphere: Add yellow rays to represent the ozone layer.
Mesosphere: Draw comets.
Thermosphere: Illustrate the Aurora Borealis.
Exosphere: Add satellites (noting that satellites can also be in the Thermosphere).
Interactive Learning:

Once the artwork is completed, erase the names of the layers (dry erase markers) while keeping the clues (permanent markers) intact.
Ask the students to match the clues with the correct atmospheric layer by rewriting the names on the balloon in the correct sections.

Review the correct answers with the students, discussing any errors or misconceptions.
Reinforce the key characteristics and phenomena associated with each atmospheric layer.