Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Make Your Own Mini Greenhouse

Disciplina: Science
Ano escolar: 2nd | 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Materials Required:

Egg cartons (one per group or student)
Seeds (e.g., beans, peas, or any fast-growing seeds)
Plastic wrap or bags
Scissors (optional)
Small rubber bands or tape (for securing plastic wrap)
Steps Involved:

Have students plant seeds in the compartments of an egg carton, one seed per compartment.
Cover one egg carton with plastic wrap or a plastic bag to create a mini greenhouse. Secure the plastic with rubber bands or tape if needed.
Leave the other egg carton uncovered to serve as the control group.
Place both egg cartons in a sunny location and keep the soil moist.
Over the next few days or weeks, monitor and compare the growth of the seeds in both the covered and uncovered cartons.
Discuss the observations with the students, explaining how the plastic wrap creates a greenhouse effect by trapping heat and moisture, which helps the seeds grow faster.
Reinforce the concept of the greenhouse effect and its importance in plant growth and agriculture.