Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Introduce Estimation Jars

Tópico: Estimation
Ano escolar: 1st
Tipo de Recurso:

Clear jars
Various small objects (e.g., beads, marbles, buttons, candies)
Paper and pencils for recording estimates

Explain the concept of estimation and its importance in everyday life.
Introduce estimation jars as a fun way to practice making educated guesses.
Activity Setup:

Fill clear jars with different small objects. Use a variety of objects and quantities to make the activity interesting and challenging.
Making Estimates:

Display one estimation jar at a time to the students. Allow them to observe the contents of the jar without touching or counting the objects.
Ask each student to write down their estimate of how many objects are in the jar on a piece of paper.

Discuss the students’ estimates as a class. Ask questions like:
How did you come up with your estimate?
What made it difficult or easy to estimate the number of objects in the jar?
Reveal the Quantity:

After discussing the estimates, count the objects in the jar together as a class. Compare the actual number to the students’ estimates.

Reflect on the activity. Ask students:
How close were your estimates to the actual number?
What did you learn about making educated guesses?
What strategies could you use next time to improve your estimate?
Repeat with Variation:

Repeat the activity with different jars filled with various objects. This provides students with more practice and helps them improve their estimation skills over time.

Create a weekly or monthly estimation jar challenge where students can make estimates and track their progress.
Use estimation jars as a math center activity where students can independently practice their estimation skills.
Incorporate group discussions to explore different estimation strategies and encourage collaborative learning.
This activity encourages hands-on learning and critical thinking, allowing students to develop their estimation skills in a fun and engaging way.