Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Grow an Avocado

Disciplina: Science
Ano escolar: 3rd | 4th
Tipo de Recurso:

Materials Required:

Avocado seed (one per student or group)
Toothpicks (three or four per seed)
Clear glass or plastic cup (one per avocado seed)
Optional: Pot and soil (for transferring the sprouted seed later)
Steps Involved:

Introduction: Explain the process of growing an avocado plant from a seed, including how the seed germinates and develops roots and shoots. Mention the interesting fact about the avocado seed’s fault line.
Preparing the Seed: Have students gently wash the avocado seed to remove any remaining fruit. Identify the top and bottom of the seed (the top is typically slightly pointier).
Inserting Toothpicks: Instruct students to insert three or four toothpicks into the sides of the seed, spacing them evenly. The toothpicks should be inserted about halfway up the seed.
Setting Up the Cup: Fill a clear glass or plastic cup with water. Place the avocado seed on the rim of the cup with the toothpicks resting on the edge, allowing the bottom half of the seed to be submerged in water.
Observing Growth: Place the cup in a warm, sunny location. Over the next few weeks, students will observe the seed as it develops roots and sprouts a stem.
Documenting Changes: Have students record their observations, noting the development of roots, the sprouting of the stem, and any changes in the seed. Encourage them to draw or write about what they see.
Transferring the Seed: Once the avocado seed has developed a strong root system and a sprout, students can transfer it to a pot with soil if desired. Continue to care for the plant and observe its growth.
Review and Discussion: Discuss the process of seed germination and the growth stages of the avocado plant. Review what students have learned about plant growth and the unique characteristics of the avocado seed.