Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Get Them in Order – Fraction Sorting Game

Disciplina: Math
Tópico: Game | Sorting
Ano escolar: 1st | K
Tipo de Recurso:

Printable fraction cards (each card displaying a different fraction)
Printable worksheets titled “Get Them in Order” (optional)
Scissors (for cutting out fraction cards)
Timer or stopwatch (optional, for timed challenges)
Pencils or markers (for writing answers, if using worksheets).Preparation:

Print out the fraction cards and “Get Them in Order” worksheets (if using).
Cut out the fraction cards so that each fraction is on a separate card.
Introduction to the Game:

Explain to students that they will be playing a game where they need to put fractions in order from smallest to largest.
Show students the fraction cards and demonstrate how to compare and order a simple set of fractions.
Playing the Game:

Divide students into small groups or pairs.
Give each group or pair a set of four fraction cards.
Instruct students to work together to place the fractions in order from smallest to largest.
They can either race against each other to see who finishes first or challenge themselves to get the correct order without rushing.
Using Worksheets (Optional):

Provide each student with a “Get Them in Order” worksheet.
Instruct students to write down the fractions in the correct order on their worksheets after they have sorted the cards.
Reflection and Discussion:

After completing the game, gather students to discuss their experiences.
Ask students how they determined the order of the fractions and what strategies they used.
Discuss any patterns or observations they noticed while comparing and ordering the fractions.
Extension (Optional):

Introduce more complex fractions or mixed numbers for advanced practice.
Create a timed challenge to see which group can correctly order a set of fractions the fastest