Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Exploring Fractions with Pattern Blocks

Tópico: Fractions
Ano escolar: 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Pattern blocks (variety including hexagons, triangles, trapezoids, rhombuses, etc.)
Paper and pencils
Rulers (optional, for measuring)
Introduction: Explain to students that pattern blocks can be used to understand and represent fractions. Discuss how different shapes can represent parts of a whole.

Activity Setup: Distribute a set of pattern blocks to each student or group of students. Present them with different scenarios.

Scenario Exploration:

Hexagon Equals 1: Ask students, “If a hexagon equals 1, then what does a triangle equal?” Have students use the pattern blocks to find the answer.
Combination Scenario: Present a scenario where a hexagon and a trapezoid equal 1. Ask, “What does a blue rhombus equal?” Students should use the pattern blocks to solve this.
Flexible Whole: Discuss with students how the “whole” can change depending on the context. For example, the whole is a hexagon in one scenario and a combination of shapes in another.

Practice: Provide additional scenarios for students to solve, allowing them to practice identifying equivalent fractions and understanding the concept of a flexible whole.

Discussion: Review the answers and scenarios with the class. Discuss how using pattern blocks helps in visualizing and understanding fractions and their relationships.

Extension: Optionally, have students create their own fraction problems using pattern blocks and challenge their peers to solve them.