Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Divvy Up Buttons

Disciplina: Math
Tópico: Division | Sorting
Ano escolar: 1st | K
Tipo de Recurso:

A large supply of multicolored buttons (ask for donations from the community)
Clipboards or a flat surface for each student
Pencils or markers.Preparation:

Gather a large supply of multicolored buttons.
Ensure each student has a clipboard or flat surface, paper, and a pencil or marker.
Introduction to the Activity:

Explain to students that they will be using buttons to create and understand fractions.
Demonstrate how to count a group of buttons and sort them by color.
Counting and Grouping Buttons:

Allow each student to take a large handful of multicolored buttons.
Instruct students to count the total number of buttons they have and write this number down on their paper.
Sorting Buttons by Color:

Have students sort their buttons into groups by color.
Instruct students to count the number of buttons in each color group and write these numbers down next to the corresponding color.
Writing Fraction Equivalents:

Explain to students how to write fractions to represent each color group. For example, if a student has 20 buttons total and 5 are red, the fraction for red buttons is 5/20.
Have students write the fraction for each color group next to the corresponding count.
Understanding and Comparing Fractions:

Discuss with students how each fraction represents a part of the whole group of buttons.
Encourage students to compare the fractions they have written and discuss which colors have the largest and smallest fractions.
Reflection and Discussion:

After completing the activity, gather students to discuss their experiences.
Ask students how sorting buttons helped them understand fractions.
Discuss any patterns or observations they noticed while working with the buttons.
Extension (Optional):

Introduce more complex fractions and have students explore equivalent fractions. For example, they can simplify fractions like 10/20 to 1/2.
Create a challenge where students find the total fraction for two or more colors combined.