Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Define Estimation with an Anchor Chart

Tópico: Estimation
Ano escolar: 2nd
Tipo de Recurso:

Large poster board or chart paper
Markers or colored pens
Stickers or small illustrations (optional)
Tape or adhesive for displaying the chart

Explain to the students that you will be creating an anchor chart to help them understand what estimation is and when it is used.
Create the Anchor Chart:

On a large piece of poster board or chart paper, title the chart “What is Estimation?”
Divide the chart into sections with headings like “What is Estimation?”, “When Do We Estimate?”, and “Why Do We Estimate?”
Define Estimation:

Under the “What is Estimation?” section, write a simple definition: “Estimation is making a smart guess about a number or amount based on what we know.”
Use visual aids such as illustrations or examples of objects and quantities to make the concept clear.
When Do We Estimate?:

In this section, list situations where estimation is useful, such as:
When we want to quickly know how many cookies are on a plate without counting each one.
When we need to guess the amount of paint needed for a wall before buying it.
Add small drawings or examples to illustrate these situations.
Why Do We Estimate?:

Explain why estimation is important, such as:
It helps us make quick decisions.
It allows us to solve problems more efficiently.
It is useful when exact numbers are not needed or not available.
Include illustrations or scenarios that demonstrate these points.
Display and Review:

Display the anchor chart in a visible location in the classroom.
Review the anchor chart with the students regularly to reinforce the concept of estimation.
Interactive Component:

Engage students in a discussion about when they might use estimation in their daily lives.
Ask students to provide examples and add them to the anchor chart if possible.

Create additional anchor charts for related concepts like rounding, comparing quantities, or using estimation in different subjects.
Incorporate activities where students use estimation to solve simple problems and refer back to the anchor chart for guidance.
This activity helps students visually understand and remember the concept of estimation, making it easier for them to apply it in various situations.