Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Create Living Art with Cress

Disciplina: Science
Ano escolar: 2nd | 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Materials Required:

Round jars or clear plastic containers (one per student or group)
Cotton balls or cotton pads
Watercress seeds
Markers or paint (for drawing faces or designs on jars)
Steps Involved:

Introduction: Explain how watercress grows quickly on damp cotton and how this activity will combine art with plant science. Discuss how students will use the cress to create living artwork.
Preparing the Jars: Have students use markers or paint to draw faces or designs on the outside of the jars. This adds a fun and personal touch to their living art.
Setting Up the Cotton: Instruct students to place cotton balls or pads inside the jars, making sure they are evenly distributed and damp but not soaking wet.
Planting the Seeds: Have students sprinkle watercress seeds evenly over the damp cotton in the jars. Press the seeds gently into the cotton to ensure good contact.
Growing the Cress: Place the jars in a location with indirect sunlight. Ensure the cotton stays damp by adding water as needed.
Observing Growth: Over the next week or so, students will observe the cress growing and filling in the designs or patterns on their jars. Encourage them to notice how quickly the cress grows and changes.
Creating Patterns: For added creativity, students can use the growing cress to form patterns or letters by carefully arranging the seeds. They can also experiment with different designs and see how the cress fills them in.
Review and Reflection: Once the cress has grown, review the activity with the class. Discuss how the living art has changed over time and what students learned about plant growth. Encourage students to reflect on the combination of art and science in their project.