Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Create Division Situation Models with Students

Tópico: Division
Ano escolar: 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Kid faces with open mouths (cut-out templates or drawn by students)
Cookie paper templates or similar (to represent objects to be divided)
Crayons or markers (for illustrating)
Scissors and glue (for assembling models)
Paper (for recording problems and solutions)
Introduction to the Activity:

Explain that students will create models to illustrate division situations.
Discuss how visualizing division problems can help understand and solve them more effectively.
Presenting the Problem:

Introduce a division word problem to the class, e.g., “There are 12 cookies, and 4 friends want to share them equally. How many cookies does each friend get?”
Ensure students understand the problem and how it relates to dividing objects.
Creating the Models:

Provide each student or pair of students with kid face templates and cookie paper templates.
Have students draw or glue the faces to represent the people in the division problem.
Use cookie paper templates to represent the objects being divided. Students should place the cookie templates in front of the faces (representing the friends) to model the division.
Illustrating the Solution:

Students distribute the cookie templates among the faces, ensuring that each face receives an equal number of cookies.
Ask students to write or discuss how many cookies each person received and how they solved the problem.
Sharing and Discussing:

Have students present their models to the class or in small groups.
Discuss the different models and solutions, emphasizing the concept of equal groups and how division works in each scenario.
Optional Extension:

Students can create their own division word problems and model them using the kid faces and cookie paper templates.
Encourage students to swap problems with classmates and solve each other’s models.
This activity helps students connect division problems to real-world situations through visual and hands-on modeling, reinforcing their understanding of equal groups and division.