Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Crafting Clouds

Disciplina: Art | Science
Ano escolar: 2nd | 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Cotton balls
Cardboard (large pieces for the base)
Colored construction paper (optional, for background)
Markers or crayons (for labeling and adding details)
Reference images of different cloud types (cumulus, stratus, cirrus, etc.)
Prepare the Materials:

Provide each student with a piece of cardboard, cotton balls, glue, scissors, and markers or crayons. Optionally, students can use colored construction paper as a background for their clouds.
Introduction to Cloud Types:

Show students reference images of different cloud types and discuss their characteristics (e.g., cumulus, stratus, cirrus, nimbus).
Create the Clouds:

Have students use the cotton balls to create different types of clouds. They can stretch, pull, or bunch the cotton to mimic the appearance of each cloud type.
Assemble on Cardboard:

Instruct students to glue their cotton clouds onto the cardboard, creating a collage of different cloud types. Encourage them to arrange the clouds to represent a realistic sky scene.
Label the Clouds:

Have students use markers or crayons to label each type of cloud on their cardboard. They can also add details like the sun, rain, or other weather elements to enhance their scene.
Observation and Discussion:

Allow students to observe each other’s cloud collages and discuss the differences in cloud types. Encourage them to explain why they made certain choices in their representations.

Ask students what they learned about clouds and how the activity helped them understand the different types. Discuss how clouds can indicate various weather conditions.
Clean Up:

Ensure students clean up their work areas, dispose of any waste materials properly, and store unused materials for future use.