Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

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Cookie Rocks – A Yummy Earth Science Station

Disciplina: Science
Ano escolar: 1st | K
Tipo de Recurso:

Different types of cookies (e.g., chocolate chip, sugar, oatmeal)
Small brushes (to simulate wind erosion)
Cups of water and droppers or small spoons (to simulate water erosion)
Ice cubes (to simulate ice erosion)
Plastic knives or spoons
Paper towels or plates
Magnifying glasses (optional)
Worksheet for recording observations.Introduction:

Explain to the students that they will be exploring how different types of erosion affect landforms using cookies as their model landforms.
Discuss the different types of erosion: wind, water, and ice.
Wind Erosion Simulation:

Give each student a cookie and a small brush.
Instruct the students to gently brush the surface of the cookie, simulating wind erosion.
Ask them to observe and note any changes in the cookie’s surface and shape.
Water Erosion Simulation:

Provide each student with a cup of water and a dropper or small spoon.
Have the students carefully drop water onto the cookie, simulating water erosion.
Instruct them to observe and record the changes in the cookie’s surface and shape.
Ice Erosion Simulation:

Give each student an ice cube.
Instruct the students to gently rub the ice cube on the cookie, simulating ice erosion.
Ask them to observe and note any changes in the cookie’s surface and shape.
Comparison and Discussion:

Have students compare their observations of the cookie after each type of erosion.
Lead a discussion about how the different types of erosion affected the cookie differently.
Encourage students to think about how these processes might affect natural landforms over time.

Summarize the key points about erosion and its effects on landforms.
Allow students to enjoy eating their “eroded” cookies as a fun and tasty reward for their participation.