Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Uso de rochas na vida real

Ano escolar:
Tipo de Recurso:

Hands-On Activity 3: Exploring Everyday Items Made from Rocks and Minerals*









1. Everyday items made from rocks and minerals (countertop sample, toothpaste, cement, glass, etc.)





2. Informational materials or posters














**Step-by-Step Guide:**














1. **Introduction (5 minutes):**





– Introduce the concept of exploring common everyday items made from rocks and minerals.





– Discuss the prevalence of geological materials in daily life.














2. **Gathering Materials (5 minutes):**





– Provide samples of everyday items made from rocks and minerals to participants.














3. **Exploration and Observation (20 minutes):**





– Instruct participants to explore and observe the provided items.





– Discuss the connections between the items and their geological origins.














4. **Discussion (15 minutes):**





– Facilitate a group discussion where participants share their observations and discuss the geological significance of everyday items.














5. **Information Sharing (10 minutes):**





– Share additional information or posters detailing the geological origins of the items.





– Discuss how rocks and minerals contribute to the production of these items.














6. **Conclusion (5 minutes):**





– Summarize the importance of rocks and minerals in everyday life.





– Encourage participants to be mindful of the geological materials around them.














**Learning Outcomes:**





1. **Awareness of Geological Connections:** Participants will develop awareness of the geological connections in common everyday items.





2. **Real-World Application:** The activity demonstrates the real-world applications of rocks and minerals in various products.





3. **Environmental Consciousness:** Participants gain an understanding of the environmental impact and sustainability aspects related to geological materials.





4. **Connection to Industry:** Discussing items like countertops and cement connects participants to the larger industries that rely on rocks and minerals.





5. **Appreciation for Geological Contributions:** Encourages appreciation for the role rocks and minerals play in creating items that enhance our daily lives.