Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Tipos de rochas: atividade comestível

Ano escolar:
Tipo de Recurso:

**Hands-On Activity: Edible Rocks – Rock Life Cycle**



1. 3 Mason canning jars

2. Semi-sweet, dark, or milk chocolate chips

3. White chocolate chips

4. Peanut butter chocolate chips

5. Plastic wrap

6. Microwave

7. Paper, pen, and tape to label each jar

8. Optional: Rock samples from the three types of rock categories


**Step-by-Step Guide:**


1. **Introduction (5 minutes):**

– Discuss the three types of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous.

– Introduce the concept of the rock life cycle.


2. **Gathering Materials (5 minutes):**

– Assemble the required materials, including mason jars, various chocolate chips, plastic wrap, microwave, and labels.


3. **Sedimentary Rock (15 minutes):**

– Explain the process while making a jar to represent sedimentary rock.

– Add layers of brown chocolate chips to the jar, representing sediment layers.

– Add ¼ cup each of semi-sweet, peanut butter, and white chocolate chips in layers.

– Discuss the representation of different rock types in layers.

– Crush the layers with a spoon or fingers to simulate compaction.


4. **Metamorphic Rock (20 minutes):**

– Discuss the transition to metamorphic rock.

– Repeat the layering process in a second jar.

– Cover the jar with plastic wrap and heat in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until layers mostly melt but remain separate.

– Caution: Allow the jar to cool completely before handling.

– Gently smoosh the chocolate layers with a spoon to observe changes.

– Optional: Pop the cooled rock out of the jar and discuss the metamorphic treat.


5. **Igneous Rock (20 minutes):**

– Discuss the process of igneous rock formation.

– Layer chocolate chips in the third jar.

– Melt the chocolate completely by microwaving in 1-minute intervals and stirring.

– Allow the melted chocolate to cool before handling.

– With a spoon, drop a blob of the liquid on parchment paper, simulating volcanic activity.

– Discuss how the liquid cools and solidifies to start the rock cycle again.


6. **Discussion (10 minutes):**

– Facilitate a group discussion about the different types of rocks, the processes involved, and the representation of the rock life cycle.

– Discuss observations made during the activity.


7. **Conclusion (5 minutes):**

– Summarize the edible rock activity, emphasizing the hands-on experience of the rock life cycle.

– Discuss the connections between the edible representation and real geological processes.


**Learning Outcomes:**

1. **Understanding Rock Types:** Participants will learn about sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks through a hands-on edible activity.

2. **Application of Geological Concepts:** The activity applies geological concepts like compaction, melting, and solidification in a simplified and edible form.

3. **Observational Skills:** Observing changes in chocolate layers enhances participants’ observational skills.

4. **Hands-On Exploration:** The hands-on nature of the activity promotes experiential learning and engagement.

5. **Connection to Real-World Processes:** Discussing the rock life cycle fosters an understanding of geological processes and their significance.