Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Digestive System Maze

Disciplina: Science
Ano escolar: 3rd | 4th
Tipo de Recurso:

Materials Required:

Large cardboard sheet (approximately 40 cm x 20 cm or size of your choice)
Cutting mat
Hot glue gun
Steel ruler
Colored pencils or felt-tip pens
Playdough or air-dry clay
Thin cardboard strips (5 mm in width)
Small, heavy ball or ball bearings
Steps Involved:

Draw the Digestive System:

On the large cardboard sheet, draw a simple digestive system with a maze path. Ensure the intestines are simple and not overly complex.
Color the Digestive System:

Use colored pencils or felt-tip pens to color the body and digestive organs to make the maze visually appealing.
Prepare Cardboard Strips:

Cut thin and long strips of cardboard (about 5 mm in width) to create the maze walls. You will need enough strips to cover the entire length of the digestive tract.
Bend the Cardboard Strips:

Bend or roll the cardboard strips to make them flexible. This will allow them to conform to the curvy lines of the digestive system.
Glue the Strips:

Apply hot glue along the walls of the digestive tract on the cardboard base. Stick the flexible cardboard strips to the glue, following the drawn lines to form the maze walls. Leave small gaps at intersections for the ball to pass through.
Differentiate the Intestines (Optional):

Use contrasting colors to differentiate the small intestine from the large intestine for a more engaging and colorful maze.
Create a Bridge:

At the intersection where the small intestine crosses the large intestine, glue a small strip of thick paper over the track to act as a bridge. Add cardboard strips around the bridge to ensure a smooth transition for the maze ball.
Add Playdough or Clay:

Mold some playdough or air-dry clay around the bridge area to create a smooth slope and eliminate barriers. This helps the ball transition smoothly from one section to another.
Test the Maze:

Use a small, heavy ball or ball bearings to navigate through the maze. Ensure that the ball can travel through the maze effectively and make adjustments as needed.
Play and Learn:

Allow students to play with the maze and discuss the functions of different digestive organs as they navigate the ball through the model.