Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Build a Food Chain Chain

Disciplina: Science
Tópico: Food Chains
Ano escolar: 2nd | 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Materials Required:

Paper plates (one per food chain)
Small yellow squares (to represent various plants and animals)
Ribbon (for connecting the squares and paper plate)
Large pink piece of paper (for the base of the food chain)
Images or drawings of plants, animals, and decomposers (printed and cut out)
Glue or tape (for attaching images to squares and securing the ribbon)
Steps Involved:

Introduction: Explain the concept of a food chain and how it shows the transfer of energy from producers to consumers and decomposers. Discuss the roles of each component in a food chain.
Choosing a Biome: Have students choose a biome (e.g., forest, desert, ocean) for their food chain project. Provide examples of organisms found in that biome.
Creating the Base: Give each student a paper plate with a sun drawn on it. The sun represents the source of energy for the food chain. Provide a large pink piece of paper for the base, where the students will attach their food chain chain.
Preparing the Squares: Students will use small yellow squares to represent different plants and animals in their chosen biome. They should glue or tape images of these organisms onto the squares.
Assembling the Chain: Have students use ribbon to connect the yellow squares in the order of their food chain, starting with producers at the top and ending with top consumers and decomposers at the bottom. Attach the end of the ribbon to the paper plate with the sun.
Building the Food Chain: Attach the ribbon and squares to the large pink piece of paper, arranging them to show the flow of energy from producers to consumers and decomposers.
Discussion: Encourage students to explain their food chains to the class, discussing how energy flows through their chosen biome and the roles of different organisms.
Review: Review the completed food chain chains with the class, discussing the connections and energy transfer. Address any questions and reinforce the understanding of food chain concepts.