Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Displaying the Food Web with Model Animals

Disciplina: Science
Tópico: Food Chains
Ano escolar: 2nd | 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Materials Required:

Toy animals (representing various organisms in an ecosystem)
Different colors of yarn (to represent different types of relationships)
Large sheet of poster board or a bulletin board
Pushpins or tape (for securing yarn)
Steps Involved:

Introduction: Explain the concept of a food web and the roles of different organisms such as predators, prey, and scavengers. Discuss how the food web illustrates the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
Preparing the Board: Set up a large sheet of poster board or bulletin board as the base for the activity. Arrange the toy animals on the board to represent different organisms in the food web.
Connecting with Yarn: Use different colors of yarn to create connections between the toy animals. For example:
Use one color for predator-prey relationships.
Use another color for scavenger relationships.
Use a third color for competition or mutualistic relationships.
Securing Yarn: Secure the yarn to the board using pushpins or tape, making sure the connections clearly represent the relationships between the animals.
Exploring Relationships: Encourage students to discuss and analyze how each animal is connected to others in the food web. Ask questions about the flow of energy and the impact of removing certain animals from the web.
Review: Review the completed food web with the class, discussing the various connections and relationships represented by the yarn. Address any questions and emphasize the complexity and interdependence of ecosystems.