Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Boat and Sun Transformations

Ano escolar: Preschool
Tipo de Recurso:

Small colored square tiles (e.g., plastic or cardboard)
Worksheet for recording the number of tiles, shapes, and perimeter (optional)

Provide each student with a set of small colored square tiles.
Prepare a worksheet for students to record the number of tiles, draw shapes, and measure the perimeter (optional).

Explain the concepts of area and perimeter.
Area: The number of square units (tiles) that cover a surface.
Perimeter: The total length around the shape, measured by counting the number of edge tiles.
Demonstrate how to create a simple shape with square tiles, count the tiles for the area, and measure the perimeter by counting the tiles around the edge.

Ask students to use the square tiles to create different shapes by joining them together. Encourage creativity in forming various patterns and shapes.
Once a shape is created, students:
Count the number of square tiles used to find the area.
Count the number of edge tiles to determine the perimeter.
Students can draw their shapes on the worksheet and write down the area and perimeter (optional).

Discuss with the class the different shapes created and their respective areas and perimeters.
Reinforce the concepts of area and perimeter, and how they are measured using the tiles.

Challenge students to create shapes with a specific area and perimeter (e.g., a shape with an area of 6 tiles and a perimeter of 8 tiles).
Explore how changing the shape affects the perimeter while keeping the area constant.