Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Learning Fractions with Paper Pizza

Ano escolar: 2nd
Tipo de Recurso:

Poster paints (various colors)
Large black paper sheets
Paint brushes or sponges
Wet wipes or a water source for cleaning hands
Thumbtacks or pins for display
Soft board for displaying the work

Cover the working area with newspaper or plastic sheets to avoid mess.
Place all materials within easy reach of students.

Explain the concept of rotation to the students using simple terms. Show an example by rotating an object (like a toy or a book).

Have each student choose a color of poster paint and apply it to one of their hands using a brush or sponge.
Ask the students to place their painted hand on the black paper in a straight position and press down to create a handprint.
Clean their hands with wet wipes or water.
Reapply the paint, and this time, have the students rotate their hand either to the left or right before placing it on the paper to create a rotated handprint.
Repeat the process as desired, allowing the students to experiment with different angles of rotation.

Once the paint is dry, assist the students in pinning their artwork onto the soft board using thumbtacks or pins.
Encourage the students to observe the different rotations and patterns created by their classmates’ handprints.

Gather the students around the display and discuss the different rotations and the shapes they created.
Reinforce the concept of rotation by relating it to real-world examples (e.g., clock hands, spinning wheels).