Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Cutting Paper Plates into Fractions

Tópico: Fractions
Ano escolar: 2nd
Tipo de Recurso:

Paper plates (one per student)
Markers, crayons, or colored pencils (for decorating)
Scissors (for cutting)
Fraction labels (optional, for labeling parts)
Introduction: Explain to students that they will be using paper plates to learn about fractions. Discuss what fractions are and how they can be represented visually.


Personalization: Give each student a paper plate and art supplies. Instruct them to decorate their plate to look like their favorite kind of pie or cake. This makes the activity more engaging and personal.
Cutting Fractions:

Fraction Creation: After decorating, have students cut their paper plates into different fractions. For example, they can cut their plates into halves, quarters, or thirds, depending on the fractions you want them to practice.
Fraction Activities:

Fraction Matching: Call out different fractions (e.g., 1/2, 1/3) and have students find the corresponding piece of their decorated pie or cake. They should hold up the fraction of the pie that matches the fraction you called out.
Partner/Group Play: Have students work in pairs or small groups to play the same game, finding and matching fractions from each other’s plates.
Labeling: Optionally, have students label each part of their paper plates with the corresponding fraction to reinforce their understanding.
Discussion: Review the students’ plates and discuss how cutting the plates into fractions helps in understanding and representing different fractions. Emphasize the visual and practical aspects of the activity.

Cleanup: Ensure students clean up their work areas and store any leftover materials.