Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Math Mazes

Tópico: Fractions
Ano escolar: 1st
Tipo de Recurso:

Math maze worksheets (printable or created by the teacher)
Colored pencils, crayons, or markers
Pencils or pens
Preparation: Prepare math maze worksheets that include math problems to solve. Ensure the maze is designed so that solving the problems leads students through the correct path to reach the end.

Distribution: Hand out the math maze worksheets and writing tools to each student.


Solve and Navigate: Instruct students to solve the math problems on the worksheet. Each correct answer will guide them through the maze.
Coloring: Once students have successfully navigated through the maze, they can color their completed worksheets. Encourage them to be creative with their coloring if they enjoy it or keep it simple if they prefer.
Completion: Allow students to finish their worksheets and review the correct answers with the class. Discuss any common errors or interesting findings.

Sharing: Optionally, have students share their mazes with the class, explaining their solutions and showing their creative work.