Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Create a Graph from Nature Walk Finds

Ano escolar: 2nd
Tipo de Recurso:

Bags or baskets for collecting items
Large poster paper or graph paper
Markers or colored pens
Rulers (optional)
A clipboard and paper for notes (optional)
Preparation (5 minutes):

Briefly explain the activity and its objectives.
Discuss what types of items they will collect (e.g., sticks, rocks, flowers, leaves) and how they will use these items to create a graph.
Nature Walk (30 minutes):

Take students on a nature walk, encouraging them to gather a variety of items based on the discussed categories.
Ensure students collect a manageable amount of items and remind them to respect nature (e.g., not picking flowers that are rare or endangered).
Sorting and Counting (15 minutes):

Back in the classroom, have students sort their collected items by type (e.g., all rocks together, all leaves together).
Count the number of items in each category and record the numbers.
Creating the Graph (20 minutes):

Provide students with large poster paper or graph paper.
Show students how to set up their graph with categories (e.g., sticks, rocks, flowers, leaves) on the x-axis and the number of items on the y-axis.
Have students draw bars or use stickers to represent the number of items in each category on their graph.
Presentation and Discussion (15 minutes):

Allow students to present their graphs to the class, explaining the types of items they collected and the quantities shown in their graphs.
Discuss which type of item was the most or least common and what can be inferred from the graph.
Review and Reflection (5 minutes):

Recap the key components of graphing and how it helps in organizing and interpreting data.
Ask students what they enjoyed about the activity and what they learned from it.