Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Shapes Activity with Popsicle Sticks

Ano escolar: Preschool
Tipo de Recurso:

Popsicle sticks
Paint or markers (optional)
Printed Popsicle Stick Shape Pages (templates of various shapes)
Glue (optional)
Labels and markers
Introduction (5 minutes):

Discuss the basic geometric shapes such as squares, triangles, rectangles, and hexagons.
Explain the activity: students will use popsicle sticks to create these shapes.
Preparing the Popsicle Sticks (10 minutes):

If desired, allow students to paint or color their popsicle sticks using markers or paint. This can add a fun and creative element to the activity.
Let the painted sticks dry before proceeding to the next step.
Setting Up the Activity (5 minutes):

Print out the Popsicle Stick Shape Pages, which show outlines of different shapes. Each student should have their own set of shape templates.
Distribute the popsicle sticks and shape templates to the students.
Constructing Shapes (15 minutes):

Demonstrate how to place popsicle sticks along the outlines of the shapes on the templates.
Encourage students to use the correct number of sticks for each shape. For example, a triangle requires three sticks, a square requires four sticks, etc.
Students can either lay the sticks on the template or glue them down for a more permanent shape model.
Shape Identification and Discussion (10 minutes):

After constructing the shapes, have students identify and name each shape.
Discuss the properties of each shape, such as the number of sides and corners.
Creative Play and Extension (10 minutes):

Encourage students to create their own shapes or designs using the popsicle sticks.
Have students compare their shapes with their classmates, discussing any similarities and differences.
Reflection and Sharing (10 minutes):

Reflect on the activity by discussing what students learned about shapes and how they constructed them.
Allow students to share their favorite shapes and explain why they liked creating them.

Emphasize the importance of recognizing and understanding shapes in everyday life.
Celebrate the students’ creativity and efforts in constructing their shapes.