Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Creating a Chart Board on Ways to Save the Earth

Ano escolar: 1st
Tipo de Recurso:

Large chart board or poster board
Construction paper or colored paper
Glue or tape
Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
Old magazines, newspapers, or printed images (for picture cutouts)
Rulers (optional, for neatness)
Introduction (10 minutes):

Discuss the importance of saving the Earth and introduce various methods such as recycling, conserving energy, and reducing waste.
Explain the project: students will create a chart board displaying different ways to save the Earth using written descriptions and picture cutouts.
Research and Brainstorming (15 minutes):

Brainstorm with students a list of ways to save the Earth. Write down these methods on the board.
Discuss with students which methods they will include and how they can visually represent these methods using pictures.
Creating Descriptions (15 minutes):

Have students write short descriptions or explanations of each method on small strips of paper. Encourage them to keep the descriptions clear and concise.
Students can also use markers and colored pencils to decorate their strips if desired.
Finding and Preparing Picture Cutouts (15 minutes):

Provide students with old magazines, newspapers, or printed images to find pictures that represent the ways to save the Earth.
Have students cut out relevant images and prepare them for pasting on the chart board.
Chart Board Assembly (25 minutes):

Distribute the large chart board or poster board to the students.
Guide students in arranging the written strips and picture cutouts on the board. They can organize the board by grouping related methods together or creating sections for each method.
Secure the strips and pictures to the board using glue or tape. Ensure the board is visually appealing and easy to understand.
Presentation (15 minutes):

Have students present their chart board to the class. Each student or group can explain one or more of the methods shown on the board and discuss how they contribute to saving the Earth.
Encourage classmates to ask questions and discuss the various methods and images.
Reflection (10 minutes):

Reflect on the activity by discussing what students learned about different ways to save the Earth.
Talk about how students can apply these methods in their own lives and the impact they can make.