Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Draw a Diagram of an Erosion Mountain

Disciplina: Science
Tópico: Drawing | Erosion
Ano escolar: 2nd | 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Paper or drawing sheets
Pencils and erasers
Colored pencils or markers
Reference images of mountains and erosion types (optional)
Worksheet with a checklist of elements to include in their diagrams.Introduction:

Explain to the students that they will be drawing and labeling a diagram of a mountain to show how different types of erosion affect its structure.
Discuss the different types of erosion: wind, water, ice, and biological.
Planning the Diagram:

Provide each student with a sheet of paper and drawing materials.
Instruct students to sketch a large mountain in the center of their paper.
Guide them to plan areas on their mountain where they will illustrate different types of erosion.
Drawing and Labeling:

Instruct students to use their pencils to draw detailed sections of the mountain affected by each type of erosion. For example:
Wind erosion: Draw areas where rock surfaces have been smoothed or where sediment has been blown away.
Water erosion: Illustrate rivers, streams, or rain washing away parts of the mountain.
Ice erosion: Draw glaciers or ice movements carving out sections of the mountain.
Biological erosion: Show plants or roots breaking down rock surfaces.
Ask students to use colored pencils or markers to enhance their drawings and clearly distinguish between different erosion types.
Have students label each section of their diagram with the type of erosion and a brief description.
Adding Details and Descriptions:

Encourage students to add extra details to their diagrams, such as arrows showing the direction of erosion forces.
Provide a worksheet with a checklist of elements to include, ensuring they cover all required details.
Peer Review and Discussion:

Pair students up to review each other’s diagrams.
Ask them to discuss the different types of erosion illustrated and provide constructive feedback.
Encourage students to make any necessary revisions based on peer feedback.
Presentation and Sharing:

Allow students to present their completed diagrams to the class.
Facilitate a discussion about the similarities and differences between the diagrams and the various ways erosion can shape mountainous landforms.

Summarize the key points about the types of erosion and their impact on mountains.
Display the students’ diagrams around the classroom as a visual representation of their learning.