Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Addition Catch

Disciplina: Math
Tópico: Addition | Games
Ano escolar: 1st | K
Tipo de Recurso:

A beach ball
Permanent markers or paint (for writing addition number sentences)
A stopwatch or timer (for the class game of catch).Preparation:

Write a variety of simple addition number sentences (e.g., 2 + 3, 5 + 4) on the beach ball using permanent markers or paint. Make sure the sentences are spaced out and easy to read.
Ensure the beach ball is properly inflated and in good condition.
Introduction to the Game:

Explain to students that they will play a game of catch with the beach ball, which has addition number sentences written on it.
Demonstrate how to throw and catch the ball while keeping an eye on the number sentences.
Playing Addition Catch:

Have students stand in a circle or in a designated play area.
Toss the beach ball to a student. When they catch the ball, they should look at the number sentence closest to their hands and solve the problem out loud.
After answering, the student throws the ball to another classmate, who then repeats the process.
Class Game of Catch (Optional):

For a class-wide challenge, time how long it takes for all students to catch the ball, answer a problem, and complete a full round of throws.
Encourage students to work quickly and accurately. Celebrate their teamwork and effort.
Reflection and Discussion:

After the game, gather students to discuss their experiences.
Ask students how the activity helped them with addition and if they found the game enjoyable.
Discuss any strategies they used to quickly solve the addition problems.
Extension (Optional):

Introduce more complex addition problems or include subtraction sentences on the beach ball for a greater challenge.
Create a relay race where students solve a problem before passing the ball, adding a competitive element to the game.