Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Comparing Capacities with Sand

Disciplina: Math
Ano escolar: K | Preschool
Tipo de Recurso:

Various containers (cups, bowls, jars)
Sand or rice
Measuring cups
Large tray to contain spills.Introduction: Explain that capacity is the amount a container can hold. Show different containers and discuss their possible capacities.
Estimation: Ask students to predict which container will hold the most sand and which will hold the least.
Demonstration: Demonstrate how to fill a container with sand using a measuring cup and then transfer the sand into another container to compare capacities.
Activity: Divide students into small groups and provide each group with different containers, sand, and measuring cups.
Measurement: Students fill each container with sand using the measuring cup and count how many cups each container holds. They record their results.
Comparison: Students compare their results with their estimations and discuss any differences.
Conclusion: Discuss how the shape and size of a container affect its capacity and reinforce the concept through examples.